Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Bummer!

We just found out that the potential lead on buying our house just put an offer in on a different home down the street.  Bummer!  It would be such a relief to have that chapter closed.  In the grand scheme of life, this is a small matter.  I trust that our home will sell and the right people haven't seen it yet.  I have been praying for it to be a godly family to be a light to the neighborhood.  

For now I am standing on firm ground that God did call us to move to St. Cloud and He has much bigger plans for our family than we can ever expect.  Beth Moore said in one of her bible studies that God's dreams for our lives are so much grander that we can think of .  (and I am a big day dreamer!)  So even with our house not selling, I am believing the promises of God.  


Tengesdal 4 said...

Ugh! I feel for you guys! We'll just keep praying!!

jenny said...

I'm believing with you.. it will sell to the right people, in God's perfect timing (hopefully soon!). And yes, you were brought here for a reason. I was just finishing up Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs" and had the same thoughts as I studied Joseph and his time in the prison in Egypt. He felt forgotten and had no idea what God was up to or what lay ahead. Your family is a blessing here!