Sunday, March 14, 2010


Sunshine is one of God's amazing blessings of spring. It has been rainy and dreary all week and that was the condition of my heart - blah! But today, oh my, I heard a great sermon at church this morning that I will be chewing on for the rest of my life and when I walked outside afterward, the sun was shining.

It was one of those moments where you stand and take a deep breath to take it all in.

We spent over 3 and a half hours outside this afternoon riding bikes in our driveway and enjoying the beautiful day. I am praying it stays like this for 2 months. If there was ever a year that I need spring to come early, it would be this year.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yes - sunshine is such a wonderful gift from God isn't it? I'm so glad for you friend that you were able to feel His love shining down on you yesterday and be refreshed! Praying for His daily refreshment for you!