Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mothers of Multiples

Yes I have joined that world. I didn't even realize that there was a support group for mothers of multiples...and I qualify with my triplets.

They have a huge garage sale twice a year here in town. A friend invited me to sell a few things under her name, so I took her up on her offer.

This was a well oiled machine event!

Seriously - these women had it down to a tee.

We all arrived at 7 am...set up...put of stuff out...we shopped early...and then they let in hoards of people at 11 am. They only run the sale until 2 pm. It was completely amazing!

(I was hoping that I sold enough things to buy our whole family nerf guns for a family nerf war. My kids would go crazy over something that like. And I just saw them on sale at Target for $10...shhhh!)

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