Monday, July 20, 2009

Meal planning and a Birthday

This morning I was able to get three weeks worth of meals planned...lunch and supper. Oh that feels so good to not have to plan! You should try it sometime. I take a blank calendar and fill it in with pencil so that way you can switch things around. I also circle the dates that we actually don't eat those meals because then I can add them to my next menu. Grocery shopping will be easy for the next couple of weeks!

Side note:
My girls are telling the Fed-Ex man that we are adopting two boys and showing him all of Adie's silly tricks. I don't think he was planning on all that information on this stop.

Back to today...We had a Birthday party for my mom this noon. Decorations are all over the house. There was great effort put into them this morning. We had a great meal with chocolate cake. Now we had to send her back to the ranch. We will miss seeing her so often!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Can I please learn from you about how you go about planning meals? Something I'm working on now is planning meals for one week and grocery shopping with specific meals in mind.

Tengesdal 4 said...

Isn't it a relief to just have the whole thing done?? It takes time on the outside but is definitely worth the work when you just look at the calendar and start cooking later in the week! :) Good job planning!!

Ruthie said...

I love the meal plan idea and try to keep up with it, but I am stuck in a rut! Please give us some idea's off your menu!