Friday, April 24, 2009

I need a lock

on my refrigerator.

When I walked into the kitchen, Adie had 4 sticks of butter unwrapped and was trying to eat them.

Meanwhile, Grace and Lydia were running around with a couple of boxes of butter that they took away from her.

Oh mercy! She keeps me on my toes!


Carl said...

Nevermind the 4 sticks of butter she pulled out for breakfast. Maybe she'll be an arctic explorer.

Michelle H. said...

You're right...a lock would be helpful. She really likes that butter! :) She will love hearing all these stories as she gets older.

Tengesdal 4 said...

Welcome to our life! We have locks on our fride & freezer and have to lock up all the "sweet snacks" too! Someday I'll tell you a funny story about freezer food!