Monday, January 19, 2009

Adoption Update

We are sooooo close to being able to send in our dossier! I am waiting on two forms then we notarize everything and write some checks....ooooo....I am excited!

I was looking at pictures yesterday from a woman who went to one of the orphanages in Ethiopia over Christmas. I started crying when I saw all those children and then it hit me that two of them could be ours...I actually could be looking at my child and not know it. Overwhelming.

With no mail running today, my goal is to send everything out on Wednesday. I just want to be done with the paperwork...for now anyways.

I have been working on my blog for my Wings products. Nothing fancy...but just a way to show everyone all of my nursing shawls, bows and head scarves. I hope to be able to tell you all the address very soon. Then you can share it with everyone you know!

Also, I have an Adoption fund raising garage sale in the works. It will be in May, so gather all of your extras in your home and save it for us! You will feel so much lighter thinning out all of those closets and it will go for a great cause too! More details to come...

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